Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20-30 minutes
Serves: 2-4
1 pkg. Bacon (pick your favorite flavor)
1 lbs. asparagus purchase the larger stems of asparagus if you can
Garlic powder
Toothpicks if needed
What to do:
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Line a cookie sheet with tin foil for easy clean up and a cooking rack to let the fat from the bacon drip off.
Prep the asparagus by washing them and clipping of the bottom of the stems, they tend to be woody towards the bottom. Begin to wrap one bacon slice around each piece of asparagus. If the asparagus is small, you can wrap one piece of bacon between two or three pieces of asparagus, toothpick them if needed. Lay the completely wrapped pieces on a cookie sheet and cooking rack. Lightly sprinkle your garlic powder over the wrapped asparagus. Bake for 20-30 minutes making sure to turn over your asparagus halfway through so each side gets crisp.
Christina’s Notes:
If you can purchase the larger stems of asparagus, but if they are smaller just put 2-3 together. Sometimes the bacon doesn’t crisp up evenly so feel free to put the asparagus under the broiler for a couple of minutes.