For the Brine: (per pound of pork belly)
4 C. water
1/3 C. kosher salt
1 C. brown sugar
Wood chips for smoking (I used apple)
What to do:
In a medium size bowl combine all your ingredients. Place your brine in a glass or plastic container; add your pork belly (I cut mine into smaller sections). Cover with lid or plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for a minimum of 3 days or up to 2 weeks, rotating the meat every day. Rinse your pork belly well and pat dry set on racks to dry 24 hours to allow a pellicle to form on the outside of the meat. A fan can be used to speed up the process, but best to overnight in the refrigerator. Place pork belly in your smoker and smoke at 175 degrees (F) for about 3 hours or until the internal temperature, at the thickest part, is up to 155 degrees (F).