1 pound confectioners’ sugar (plus additional to thicken icing)
3 tablespoons meringue powder
3/4 cup water
What to do:
In the large bowl combine together the sugar and meringue powder well. Add the water and beat at a medium speed with an electric mixer until very glossy and stiff peaks form. Check for the consistency of the icing; dip a spoon into the icing, the icing should fall off the spoon, forming ribbons, and settles into a flat surface again after 15 seconds. This will make a perfect consistency for the cookies and gingerbread house decorating. If it’s too thick, add water by the drop (a little goes a long way). If it’s too thin, add more confectioners’ sugar.
Christina’s Notes: While you are decorating with open bowls of icing, be sure to cover them with cellophane wrap to eliminate any air exposure. You’ll be good to go for the rest of the decorating procedure!