We love salty cracker English toffee! Who would believe it could be so EASY to make. This recipe is so simple and yet the candy looks so professional when you are finished. They are so addicting I have to give them away so I don’t eat them ALL myself. If you have never tried cracker toffee before (also known as Christmas Crack), I have to warn you that this candy recipe can be very addictive! I don’t think it’s possible to stop at just one piece.
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cook Time: 20-25 minutes
Serves: 6-8 depending on the size of the pieces
1-3 sleeves or so (this will depend on the size of the sleeves) regular butter crackers
2 C. butter
2 C. sugar
1/2 C. water
1 pkg. (11.5 oz. or so) or 2 C. chocolate chips
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Walnuts, peanuts or any nut you love, finely chopped (optional also)
Salt (optional)
What to do:
Butter a cookie or jelly roll sheet, fill the sheet with all of the butter crackers in a single layer, you can also crush them a little if you wish.
Combine the first three ingredients. Stirring constantly, cook over med to med-high heat until 305 degrees. It usually takes me around 20-25 minutes. The mixture should turn into a light brown/caramel look. Watch carefully because it changes pretty fast, take off the stove and add in your vanilla, mix well. Pour into your prepared pan on top of the crackers. Sprinkle your chocolate chips on top of the hot toffee, let it melt then spread the chocolate all over. Sprinkle with chopped nuts while chocolate is still warm and sprinkle with a touch of salt. I press the nuts down into the chocolate so they will stay in place once the chocolate hardens. Let cool completely until hardened, and then break into pieces.