Introducing ……Sara Thayer local craftswomen who can do the most amazing things with yarn…. who am I kidding she can do the most amazing things period, she is that crafty. When Sara first put these online my heart stopped. My grandmother who also was very crafty made these for my sisters and me when we were very young. I played with them for hours and just adored them to no end. So when I saw these I had to get one….ok, two, three, don’t judge they are just the cutest things EVER! I will be keeping some for keepsakes and giving some away. These are the types of things I love….made by a craftsperson, made in America at a great price! The prices range from $15-$25 and are of high quality, she will also ship! You can get them in any color with or without bows, she is very flexible, just click on her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/sara.peterson.71 and message her or you can email her at sarapeterson32@gmail.com. Please support our craftspeople!