If you are looking for an easy, no frills recipe for refrigerator beets, this is the one for you. I use a basic brine that can be used on other vegetables and is ready to enjoy in no time.
2 pounds of fresh beets
3/4 C. Apple cider or red wine vinegar
1/2 C. Sugar or honey (optional)
1/2 C. Water
1 medium or 1/2 large onion, sliced (optional)
What to do:
Slice off the steams and scrub clean. Place your beets in a large stock pot and fill with water. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to medium, cook for about 20 to 25 minutes. This time will depend on how thick and large your beets are. Once fork tender set aside to cool. When beets are cool enough to handle slip the skins off and trim if needed. Next in a large bowl slice or chop beets as desired.
In a medium saucepan over medium heat combine the vinegar, sugar and water. Once dissolved set aside.
Using a clean glass container fill with the beets and onions. Pour in your vinegar solution until it fully submerges the beets and onions. Make sure your lid is tight and place in refrigerator for a few hours to overnight before enjoying. This gives the beets time to mingle with the brine. The beets should last a few months in the refrigerator. Although mine have never lasted that long to test the theory….lol
Christina’s notes:
Possible add ins: cinnamon, ground or whole gloves, ground or minced garlic,