This method will give you easy peel hard boiled eggs every time – I guarantee it! I’ll even go so far as saying it is life changing. Why? I use a ton of hard boiled eggs during the BBQ season. Not having to deal with the frustration of peeling these little things and having shell and egg all over the place is a godsend. I promise you this method for hard boiling eggs will make them easy to peel every single time!
One Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
What you’ll need:
Eggs, as many as you want to eat
Large saucepan, at least twice as tall as eggs
Ice cubes
What to do:
Gently place eggs in a saucepan.
Fill the pan with cold or warm water to completely cover the eggs by about one inch of water.
Place the pot, uncovered, on a burner and turn it on high. Let the water come to a boil.
Once the water comes to a full boil, start your timer and boil eggs for 20 minutes.
About five minutes or so before eggs are done fill a bowl with ice cubes and water, the colder the better.
When time is up transfer the eggs to the pre-made ice-water bath. Let cool completely before taking them out.
Next, remove eggs from ice-water bath, either peel and eat or place in fridge for another day. Eggs may be stored in their shell for up to one week.
Christina’s Notes:
• For runny soft-boiled eggs (barely set whites): 3 minutes
• For slightly runny soft-boiled eggs: 4 minutes
• For custard-like yet firm soft-boiled eggs: 6 minutes
• For firm yet still creamy hard-boiled eggs: 10 minutes
• For very firm hard-boiled eggs: 15 minutes