Introducing homemade brown sugar, the ultimate blend of sugary goodness and molasses magic. In just 10 short minutes, you’ll whip up your very own batch of brown sugar, and let me tell ya, the amount of moola you’ll save is unbelievable! So why settle for the store-bought stuff when you can embark on a sugary adventure right in the comfort of your own home? Get ready to sprinkle some homemade sweetness into your life!
1 C. White granulated sugar
1 T. Molasses for light brown sugar, 2T. for dark brown sugar
What to do:
Combine sugar and molasses in a mixing bowl. Use a spatula to work the ingredients together as well as you can. Then use the spatula to press any lumps against the side of the bowl and smash them out. Continue to mix until no lumps remain and the brown sugar is uniform in color.
You can also use a food processor, pulsing it gently just a few times to blend the mixture until combined, than break up the granules OR an electric mixer on a medium speed, blend until combined.
Store in an airtight container.